Bob’s Red Milll Pancake Mix

This is a delicious alternative to bad, bad flour pancakes. It’s pretty natural and they almost taste great. I like to add chocolate chips and spread raspberry jam over them. I’m dreaming of making a really large one and stuff with egg whites and turkey bacon, too!

Here’s a recipe. 

What do you think?

Silver-Dollar Chocolate Pancakes that Taste like a Million…and gluten free, too.

I love my breakfast foods, and with with Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Pancake Mix, I can have one of my favorite meals in under 20 minutes. You can find the mix in the right grocery store… but it is one of the most rare finds. You can always find it in Amazon, if you have the patience to wait a few days, and order a few at a time. You can click below and see more information!

Calories: ˜250 per serving (around 6 mini pancakes)

Servings: 2

Time: 20 minutes


3/4 cup Bob’s Red Mill Pancake Mix

1 egg (or egg substitute)

1/2 cup almond milk

Vanilla Extract

4 tbsp sugar or 2 Stevias

Around 15 mini semi sweet chocolate chips

1 tbsp vegetable oil


Super easy! Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Heat a pan on medium to high heat, then pour around 2 tablespoon of the mix, making perfect circles. Flip when cooked on one side or when gold. (Note: when the first batch is done, lower the heat to low medium, especially in electric stoves). Use syrup or jam to taste. Makes around 16 mini pancakes.

Best Bread for gluten-free peeps: Udi’s White Sandwich Bread Loaf

This almost tastes “normal.” Ouch- sorry… I had to say it! Finally a bread we can eat and don’t pay “consequences” later. It also only has 70 calories per slice, which is perfect. I’ve found it in the regular supermarkets. Whole Foods has been very hit or miss for this product, and of course, you can order it from their own website or from, too.

I typically have two slices as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Or in the morning, for breakfast. Here’s a recipe you can check out.

Udi’s – White Sandwich Bread Loaf at

Udi’s Gluten Free Bread: Official Website

“Lots of Fresh Herbs” Breakfast Open Sandwich (GF and Low Fodmap!)

I confess: I love breakfast food for dinner… And lunchtime sometimes too! Though I miss the goodness of the egg yolks, it is my pleasure to share the newly-found live for fresh herbs. The below is one of my go-tos as it takes almost no time to make and you have the crunch of the toast, and juiciness of the turkey bacon, and the explosion of just-picked, and super fresh parsley, and basil.
fresh herbs sandwich

Calories: 250 (add +120 to add some olive oil or garlic-infused oil to the toast; or +80 for a slice of cheese!)

Servings: 1

Time: 20 minutes


    • 2 slices of turkey bacon
    • 2 egg whites
    • Cream of Tartar (for extra-fluffy egg whites!)
    • Salt and Pepper to taste
    • 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
    • 1 tablespoon chopped basil
    • Chopped cherry tomatoes (around 5)
    • 1 tablespoon finely chopped chives (if you were missing onions… this is a big solve!)
    • 2 slices of Udi’s – White Sandwich Bread Loaf (one of the best things you can have in your pantry; GF and low FODMAP. Click here to see my Udi’s review)

  • Additionals: infused oils for dipping (garlic, basil, you choose); Swiss, feta or any other cheese.


Thoroughly cook the 2 slices of turkey bacon in a pan until desired level of crispness. Put away the bacon to cut and crumble while you saute the tomatoes, the parsley, chives and basil… right on the same pan. As they are cooking, separate the egg whites and in a small bowl, add the salt, pepper and a 1/2 tsp of cream of tartar. Beat well with a fork. When the tomatoes start to soften (around 5 minutes in low to medium heat), lower the heat to low and add the beaten egg whites. Keep a close eye on the egg whites: you want to make sure there’s not too much browning going on… After they are thoroughly cooked, grab and carefully place on top of each piece of toast. You can sprinkle some olive oil here, or Parmesan cheese, too!

Question for you…what do you miss the most about the LOW FODMAP diet?